Animal Therapy Helps A Child With Traumatic Brain Injury
May 16, 2015 #impact
By Kathy Finney
Studies have shown that one of the major barriers to effective physical therapy is the mental state of the patient. Feelings of depression and helplessness can lead to a lack of motivation to perform necessary exercises. In children dealing with chronic illnesses or long term in-hospital care, psychological distress can hinder recovery. Luckily, the benefits of animal therapy are starting to become scientifically documented and more widely accepted. Organizations like Intermountain Therapy Animals are working to connect patients with therapy dogs, and working miracles like the one below. 

A head-on collision left Caleb with multiple broken bones and TBI, traumatic brain injury. His recovery was so slow, his father was beginning to lose hope. But then, while still barely mobile, Caleb was introduced to Colonel, a volunteer therapy dog. The effect was immediate. A testament to the healing power of animals, Colonel's presence was transformative. Caleb was no longer struggling through a series of disjointed and repetitive motions, he was engaged in play with a wonderful new friend. The difference in his mobility and ability to interact with others in the short span of a month is astounding. 

If you live in the Utah or Montana area and have an animal that you believe can be a good therapist, you can volunteer with Intermountain Therapy Animals. All the pets go through health and behavioral screening, but after a training period, your pet can help someone like Caleb. 

It warms my heart to know that animals are getting wider appreciation for the many ways they enrich our lives.  Perhaps as more stories like this become publicized people will cease to mistreat their pets and give them their due respect as treasured companions. Let us know your thoughts, and if you have any other good stories about how an animal has helped someone heal, please share them with the rest of the SF Globe fans. 

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