As a warning, this video contains racially inappropriate language. It is not our intent to offend anyone by showing the language this boy uses, but the video is startling enough that we felt it important to share. To set the scene, a man and his daughter were sitting on a park bench when an unsuspecting, and unaccompanied boy approaches them and calls them a racial slur.
It goes without saying that this footage is both jarring and surprising, but it also raises other questions. Where did he learn this language? Where are his parents? Or, is he even aware of what he is actually saying? Sadly, these are questions we may never know the answer too.
What is worth noting is the relatively calm response of the man and his daughter. I think it is safe to say that while the boy's words are upsetting to both of them, neither of them really hold it against the boy, which makes me believe they are in the "is he even aware of what he is actually saying" state of mind. That said, this cameraphone footage acts as a reminder that racism is still an issue that people deal with every day. Further, you never know where it may come from.
Again, our intent wasn't to offend you with his language, but merely to share a sad story that this father and daughter had to experience. Were you as shocked as I was to hear what came out of this boys mouth? How would you have handled the situation if you were the man with his daughter? Sharing something like this is important because in order to end a societal issue, we sometimes need reminders that the issue is alive and real.